Discover Your Transformation Story

Everyone has a story! Have you experienced stories of change in your life? Those moments when life totally became different? Perhaps you're currently hoping for change, and eagerly anticipating a better outcome. When Jesus is at the center of your story, things go from less than to greater than, from struggling to more alive.

As a follower of Jesus, you can invite Him to write those stories in your life all the time. Here's a simple way to capture and tell those stories with others that is concise and invitational. You can use this simple symbol - a less than sign, a cross, and a greater than sign - to signify how Jesus brought change and made things better.

  1. < Begin by thinking of two words or phrases that mark who you were at a time in your life before meeting Jesus. Maybe you've known him all your life, but God is always up to something! What's a time in your life when God invited you to more?

  2. + Then, Jesus got involved! Think about the moment you pointed your lives towards Jesus and made Him the center of your story.

  3. >Next, think of two words or phrases that mark who you're becoming as you walk with Jesus today. Put it all together and see how things go went from less than to greater than, from struggling to more alive!

  4. Then comes the most important part. End your 15-second story with, "Do you have a story like that?" That simple question makes intentional, safe space for the people around you to consider who Jesus is to them - a stranger to an old friend.

Can you think of a time when Jesus brought change in your life? What two simple words would describe the time before He did that? Maybe it was a time when you felt isolated or without hope, or perhaps you were angry all the time. But since Jesus brought change, how has your life become better? Are you now full of hope and surrounded by community? Are you becoming a more forgiving person?

When you take a moment to capture your stories of change with two words before and two words after, you can share powerful stories with others and invite them to tell their stories too. You can see what God might be up to in you and in them. These stories bring hope and point people in the direction of Jesus.

So, capture your story, and remember the symbol. Let it be a reminder to have as many of these stories as possible in your pocket to share with others. You never know who needs to hear your story, who needs to hear about the change Jesus can bring.

Try it out!

Word Combination Form